How New Agencies Can Use Local Falcon To Optimize Local Search Marketing Services

May 9th, 2024, 09:00 AM

From building a client base to managing time and budget, new local search marketing agencies face an array of challenges. 

These challenges can be complicated further by having a small team and limited resources, making it difficult to get everything done while still providing the quality of service that's needed to retain clients and grow the business.

Whether your new agency consists of one or several people, using the right tools can help you optimize your time and other resources by automating certain processes and even potentially filling the role of an additional team member.

If you're looking for a cost-effective way to optimize your agency's time and provide high quality local search marketing services, look no further than Local Falcon, the first AI-integrated local rank tracker of its kind.

With its highly accurate, automated local rank tracking reports, Falcon AI Report Analysis, and Falcon Assist, the first AI-powered virtual assistant built for local SEO, Local Falcon provides numerous ways to optimize local search marketing services and scale your agency business.

What Is Local Falcon?

Local Falcon is a local rank tracker designed to analyze search rankings for Google Business Profile and Apple Business Connect listings down to a hyper-local level, providing valuable insights into the local search landscape, the competition, and optimization opportunities.

Local Falcon's flexible grid-based rank tracking scans provide a highly visual representation of how local businesses appear in the search results based on different locations and keywords, giving you a bird's-eye view of exactly how a business's listing ranks at specific points on a map. 

Overall, Local Falcon's AI-integrated local rank tracking is helpful for businesses and marketers looking to improve their local SEO strategies by understanding how businesses rank in different targeted areas, identifying opportunities for business listing optimization, and pinpointing ways to outrank vulnerable competitors.

Additionally, Local Falcon is built specifically with marketers and agencies in mind, and includes a range of features that can help automate local search marketing processes, including performance tracking and analysis, client reporting, and listing optimization.

5 Local Falcon Features That Can Benefit New Agencies:

  1. Hyper-Local Keyword Rank Tracking
  2. Different Report Types
  3. Rank Tracking Scan Automation
  4. Falcon AI Report Analysis
  5. Falcon Assist

Hyper-Local Keyword Rank Tracking

No matter what type of local businesses your agency is working with, or where they're located, Local Falcon allows you to run rank tracking scans for specific keywords at a hyper-local level.

Running a scan is as simple as adding your clients' business locations to your Local Falcon account, choosing the keywords you want to scan for, and setting the Map Scan Radius and Grid Size

Local Falcon's Suggested Keywords feature even saves you valuable time when deciding what keywords to start tracking by providing suggestions based on a business's listing categories and other search terms people are using to find the business.

By scanning highly targeted geographic areas with Local Falcon's flexible grid point system, marketing teams can get exactly the data they need to analyze a client's performance in local search where it matters the most, maximizing time and budget and helping build better local SEO strategies right from the start.

Different Report Types

Reporting is one area where it's easy to sink a ton of time into, which can be problematic for new agencies trying to do so many different things at once with limited team members and resources.

Local Falcon offers several different rank tracking reports that you can use out of the box, both to conduct your own analysis and share performance data with clients. These include: 

  • Scan Reports: The default report type for a business location scan. Contain local ranking data, Falcon AI Report Analysis, and a list of competitors.
  • Competitor Reports: Contain more in-depth competitor data, including a list of competitors with interactive heat maps for better data visualization and side-by-side comparisons.
  • Trend Reports: Automatically generated after multiple scans using the same settings. Contain ranking trend graphs, a list of competitors, and Falcon AI Report Analysis.
  • Campaign Reports: Provide a unified view of rank tracking data for multiple locations grouped together for Campaign Scans.
  • Keyword Reports: Track the performance of individual keywords across different locations, ideal for optimizing multi-location businesses.
  • Location Reports: Track the performance of multiple keywords for a single location, providing a good overview of a location's overall performance.

Agency users also have the option to white-label Local Falcon reports, allowing you to brand reports with your agency's name, logo, and other information before sharing them with clients, contributing to a highly professional level of service.

Rank Tracking Scan Automation

One of the greatest benefits of Local Falcon for agency users is the ability to automate rank tracking scans for clients. Using Campaign Scans or Scheduled Scans, you can set up automatic recurring scans to run at the cadence you need (we recommend bi-weekly to start).

This provides regular rank tracking data that allows you to quantify the results of optimizations, continue identifying new optimization opportunities, perform competitor analysis, and put together progress reports for clients and other stakeholders.

As time goes on, you may decide to update the frequency at which you get rank tracking reports, depending on factors like the success of your local search optimization strategies and changes to budget. 

In other words, you're fully free to change the way you automate rank tracking as needed to get the most out of it!

Falcon AI Report Analysis

All Scan Reports and Trend Reports include Falcon AI Report Analysis by default, saving your agency's local SEO team time when it comes to performance analysis and optimization opportunity identification. 

Falcon AI functions a bit like an in-house data analyst, providing you with valuable insights into your clients' listing performance on demand, including recommendations on how to optimize listings and outrank vulnerable competitors in local search results at specific points on the map.

For example, after you run a scan for a client for the first time, Falcon AI might point out in the Scan Report that your client's Google Business Profile listing is missing a website link, social media links, and Posts, all of which could help optimize the profile. 

The AI may also suggest adding categories that competitors are currently ranking for, if applicable to the business, or suggest running scans for additional keywords to get a better picture of the local search landscape and identify additional opportunities.

After running the same scan a few times and generating a Trend Report, Falcon AI may point out that your client's ranking has fallen slightly, perhaps due to a highly-rated competitor jumping up in the rankings, and suggest that you focus on getting the client more positive reviews to improve their average review score and help boost their ranking back up.

Additionally, at the end of any report analysis, Falcon AI will highlight optimizations that have already been made, providing a neat summary of current listing health that you can potentially share with clients to show progress.

Falcon Assist

Falcon Assist is the feature that new agencies will really love — it's like having an extra strategic partner on your team for optimizing your clients' local search presence, available when and where you need them!

Falcon Assist is a chat-based AI tool powered by a leading language learning model. It offers real-time support for developing precise, user-specific local SEO strategies backed by Local Falcon's vast database of scan data. 

This sophisticated AI integration provides actionable, data-driven insights that agency teams can use to optimize their clients' local search visibility and provide better local search marketing services with limited time and resources. 

Falcon Assist draws on Local Falcon's database of more than 20 million locations and leverages data from historical Local Falcon scans to provide agency users with valuable data and insights related to their clients' businesses and competitors.

You can ask Falcon Assist anything about local SEO or Local Falcon, including specifics about a client's Scan Report, Competitor Report, or any other type of report. You can even ask for tips on how to optimize a client's Google Business Profile listing or get a detailed plan for how to improve their overall local SEO strategy.

4 Ways Local Falcon Can Help Agencies Optimize Local Search Marketing Services:

  1. Prospecting and Pitching Clients
  2. Developing Local SEO Strategies
  3. Making Local Search Optimizations
  4. Monitoring and Reporting on Local Search Performance

Prospecting and Pitching Clients

Local Falcon can help new agencies optimize their local search marketing services before they even start working with a client — during the prospecting and pitching stages of client acquisition.

Agency local SEO professionals can use Local Falcon to perform comprehensive local SEO audits for prospects, gathering valuable data that they can use to pitch local search marketing services. Sales professionals can even use this data to personalize cold outreach to leads, increasing the chances of a warm response.

Let's say your agency is prospecting a sustainable, locally made, outdoor-focused clothing brand in the downtown core of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 

You could start gathering some data to use in your pitch and/or outreach to them by running a few quick baseline scans for keywords like "clothing store," "sustainable clothing," "locally made clothing," and "outdoor clothing." For businesses in urban areas, a Scan Radius of 1 or 2 miles is generally a good place to start.

After the scans are complete, look at the Scan Report results to gain valuable insights into the brand's local search performance for the given keywords.

In this hypothetical case, you might see that the brand is ranking very well for "sustainable clothing" and "locally made clothing," with an Average Total Rank Position (ATRP) of 1 for both, but that it is ranking poorly for "outdoor clothing" and "clothing store," with ATRP scores of 9 and 20+, respectively.

You could highlight these numbers when reaching out to or pitching the clothing brand, perhaps by saying something like: 

"We noticed your company is ranking consistently in the top search results for "locally made clothing" and "sustainable clothing" within a 2-mile radius of your business, which is great! 

However, we also noticed that your rankings could be improved for other relevant search terms, including "clothing store" and "outdoor clothing," as you're not showing up in the top search results for these at all. 

We have identified specific opportunities to improve these rankings through high-value optimizations to your Google Business Profile, which we could start implementing right away if you decide to work with us."

Developing Local SEO Strategies

Assuming your pitch goes well and the client hires your agency to help improve their local search rankings, you can continue to use Local Falcon to develop and guide their overall local SEO strategy. 

One key way to do this is by using the Share of Local Voice (SoLV) score to identify where to focus your efforts to maximize resources and get the best results. Let's keep examining the hypothetical scenario from above to see what this might look like. 

In this case, you might see that the clothing brand has SoLV scores of 100 for both "sustainable clothing" and "locally made clothing," meaning that their Google Business Profile is showing up in Google's 3-Pack (the top 3 results) 100% of the time, and no immediate optimizations for those keywords are needed.

However, let's say the Scan Reports show a SoLV score for "clothing store" of 0 and a SoLV score for "outdoor clothing" of 29. These scores show that the business isn't ever showing up in the top 3 results on Google for "clothing store" searches, and is showing up once in every 3 or 4 "outdoor clothing" searches.

Out of these two terms, the best place to start focusing your local SEO strategy would be on optimizing and improving the business's SoLV score for the term "outdoor clothing."

Now, why wouldn't you want to optimize for the lowest performing keyword, "clothing store," to start? 

Well, since we know based on their ATRP and SoLV scores that the client is virtually never showing up in searches for this term, you could put a ton of time and resources into optimizing for that keyword and the client still probably wouldn't appear anywhere near the top results in Google.

But, if you focus on optimizing for "outdoor clothing," you may be able to boost the SoLV score significantly with just a few optimizations, perhaps increasing it from 29 to 53, meaning the client would now be showing up in at least half of the searches for this term. And, they could potentially now outrank any competitors that have a SoLV score in the 30s or 40s.

This type of boost in the local rankings can directly translate into more local customers for the business, showing your client immediate results from working with your agency!

Keep in mind that we're only comparing a couple of keywords in this hypothetical case study to give you a general idea of how agencies can use Local Falcon to develop local SEO strategies. 

In a real case, you would want to do these types of comparisons for a whole bunch of relevant keywords, coming up with a list of terms to optimize for in order to start improving your client's rankings for different local searches.

Making Local Search Optimizations

Once you know what keywords you want to optimize for, you can start actually planning and implementing local search optimizations — the easiest way to start doing this using Local Falcon is to look at the Falcon AI Report Analysis for your Scan Reports.

For example, if you look at the AI analysis for the keyword "outdoor clothing," you might see the following optimization recommendations:

"Secondary Categories: Your top 3 competitors are listing categories you don't have listed and ranking well. Consider adding "Outdoor sports store", and "Outdoor clothing and equipment shop" to compete.

Your top 3 competitors by ARP have 121 reviews and you have 103. Consider ways to gather more reviews.

You have no posts listed on your Google Business Profile listing."

This would tell you that the first thing you should do to optimize the client's Google Business Profile for "outdoor clothing" is add relevant secondary categories. 

Then, you should try to help them get more positive reviews by implementing tactics that encourage customers to leave reviews, such as sending thank-you emails with a review link and/or posting review QR codes around the store. 

Lastly, you might consider adding Posts to the client's Business Profile to engage customers and indirectly impact rankings.

Of course, based on your team's own expertise and knowledge, you may have other ideas, but Falcon AI's optimization recommendations are always a great place to get started and can save you time when it comes to making those first few local search optimizations for new clients!

For additional local search optimization ideas, you can enlist Falcon Assist to help out. For example, try asking Falcon Assist to analyze a specific Scan Report and provide you with creative ways to further improve the client's local search visibility. An example of a response you might get for our hypothetical sustainable clothing brand client is:

"Get involved with Victoria's community events and environmental initiatives to earn backlinks from reputable local sources. Consider sponsoring a local environmental cleanup day or participating in Victoria's annual Earth Day festival. These activities not only improve your local SEO through high-quality backlinks but also align with your brand's environmental ethos."

Monitoring and Reporting on Local Search Performance

So, you've pitched and landed a new client for your agency, started developing their local SEO strategy, and made some optimizations — what's next?

You can use Local Falcon to continuously monitor your client's local search rankings and provide them with regular updates through the various report types that are ready to be white-labeled and shared.

Depending on the reporting cadence you've agreed upon with your client and what your budget allows for, you may want to schedule automated recurring scans to run every couple of weeks or once a month. 

Since local search optimizations can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to show results, it's important to consistently run scans to collect new data and update your clients and other stakeholders on progress.

Over time, more data will become available, and you can show your clients their overall progress in different ways through Trend Reports, Location Reports, and Keyword Reports, as relevant.

As optimizations take effect and the local market inevitably changes, you may use these different reports and continue consulting with Falcon AI and Falcon Assist to help you adjust your clients local SEO strategies, identify opportunities to outrank competitors, and implement additional optimization tactics.


Local Falcon offers a powerful set of local rank tracking tools and features that can help new agencies optimize their local search marketing services. 

From hyper-local keyword rank tracking to automated reports and AI-powered insights, Local Falcon provides the data and analysis needed to improve local SEO strategies and drive better results for clients.

By leveraging Local Falcon, new agencies can overcome the challenges of limited resources and small teams to deliver exceptional service to their clients, making it easier to compete with larger agencies offering local search marketing services.

If you're ready to take your agency's local search marketing to the next level, consider incorporating Local Falcon into your toolkit. Sign up today and see how Local Falcon can help you optimize your time, resources, and results in local search marketing!

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