Article KB71

Data Source Labels and Descriptions for Local Falcon's Looker Studio Integration

Last updated on 8/13/2024, 3:52 PM


# Category Field Type Description
# 1 Category All Auto Scans Field Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Centerpoint Coordinates for the Scan
# 2 Category All Auto Scans Field Data Points Type Number Description Number of data points included in the scan based on the grid size
# 3 Category All Auto Scans Field Frequency Type Text Description Scan Frequency; Possible values: One Time, Every Day, Every Week, Every Two Weeks, Every Month
# 4 Category All Auto Scans Field Grid Size Type Number Description Grid Size for the scheduled scan
# 5 Category All Auto Scans Field Keyword Type Text Description Keyword to be used for the scheduled scan
# 6 Category All Auto Scans Field Last Run Date Type Date Description The date of the most recent completed scan
# 7 Category All Auto Scans Field Last Run Time Type Text Description The time of the most recent completed scan
# 8 Category All Auto Scans Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of Location in the Scheduled Scan
# 9 Category All Auto Scans Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the Business in the Scheduled Scan
# 10 Category All Auto Scans Field Location Name Type Text Description Business Name of the Scheduled Scan
# 11 Category All Auto Scans Field Measurement Type Text Description Whether the scan uses the Imperial or Metric system of measurement; Possible values: mi or km
# 12 Category All Auto Scans Field Next Run Date Type Date Description The date when the scheduled scan is to run again
# 13 Category All Auto Scans Field Next Run Time Type Text Description The time when the scheduled scan is to run again
# 14 Category All Auto Scans Field Radius Type Number Description The maximum distance of the scan area from the centerpoint of the scan.
# 15 Category All Auto Scans Field Rating Type Number Description The Google Rating of the business in the scheduled scan.
# 16 Category All Auto Scans Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google reviews of the business in the scheduled scan.
# 17 Category All Auto Scans Field Scan Key Type Text Description Unique identifier for the Autoscan record
# 18 Category Location Query Field Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Centerpoint Coordinates for the Scan
# 19 Category Location Query Field Location Address Type RBC Text Description Business Address of Location in the Scheduled Scan
# 20 Category Location Query Field Location ID Type RBC Text Description Google Place ID of the Business in the Scheduled Scan
# 21 Category Location Query Field Location Name Type RBC Text Description Business Name of the Scheduled Scan
# 22 Category Location Query Field Rating Type 123 Number Description The Google Rating of the business in the scheduled scan.
# 23 Category Location Query Field Reviews Type 123 Number Description The Google reviews of the business in the scheduled scan.
# 24 Category Previously Run Scans Field ARP Type Number Description Average Rank Position
# 25 Category Previously Run Scans Field ATRP Type Number Description Average Total Rank Position
# 26 Category Previously Run Scans Field Center Point Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Centerpoint Coordinates for the Scan
# 27 Category Previously Run Scans Field Data Points Type Number Description Number of data points included in the scan based on the grid size
# 28 Category Previously Run Scans Field Found In Type Number Description Number of data points the business was found in.
# 29 Category Previously Run Scans Field Grid Size Type Number Description Grid Size set for the scan.
# 30 Category Previously Run Scans Field Heatmap Image Linked Type Image Link Description Scan Heatmap Image linked to Public Report
# 31 Category Previously Run Scans Field Heatmap Image URL Type URL Description Link to the heatmap result of the completed scan.
# 32 Category Previously Run Scans Field Image URL Type URL Description Link to the map result of the completed scan.
# 33 Category Previously Run Scans Field Keyword Type Text Description Keyword used for the scan.
# 34 Category Previously Run Scans Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of Location in the scan
# 35 Category Previously Run Scans Field Location Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Coordinates of the business in the scan.
# 36 Category Previously Run Scans Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the business in the scan
# 37 Category Previously Run Scans Field Location Name Type Text Description Name of business used in the scan.
# 38 Category Previously Run Scans Field Map Image Linked Type Image Link Description Scan Map Image linked to Public Report
# 39 Category Previously Run Scans Field Measurement Type Text Description Whether the scan uses the Imperial or Metric system of measurement; Possible values: mi or km
# 40 Category Previously Run Scans Field Other Categories Type Text Description The other category or categories of the business
# 41 Category Previously Run Scans Field PDF Report Type URL Description Link to the PDF report of the completed scan.
# 42 Category Previously Run Scans Field Phone Type Text Description The phone number of the business.
# 43 Category Previously Run Scans Field Primary Category Type Text Description The primary category of the business
# 44 Category Previously Run Scans Field Public Report Type URL Description Link to the publicly available version of the completed scan.
# 45 Category Previously Run Scans Field Radius Type Number Description The maximum distance of the scan area from the centerpoint of the scan.
# 46 Category Previously Run Scans Field Rating Type Number Description The Google Rating of the business in the scheduled scan.
# 47 Category Previously Run Scans Field Record Count Type Number Description Total number of records in this batch (specifically used in a report template designed by Local Falcon)
# 48 Category Previously Run Scans Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the specific report record
# 49 Category Previously Run Scans Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google reviews of the business in the scheduled scan.
# 50 Category Previously Run Scans Field Scan Date Type Date Description The date of the completed scan.
# 51 Category Previously Run Scans Field Scan Time Type Text Description The time of the completed scan.
# 52 Category Previously Run Scans Field Scan Type Type Text Description Whether this report was generated by a manual scan or a scheduled scan.
# 53 Category Previously Run Scans Field SoLV Type Number Description Share of local voice.
# 54 Category Previously Run Scans Field Store Code Type Text Description Business Store Code.
# 55 Category Previously Run Scans Field Timestamp Type Number Description The unix timestamp of the completed scan
# 56 Category Previously Run Scans Field URL Type Text Description The url of the business.
# 57 Category Scan Report Details Field ARP Type Number Description Average Rank Position
# 58 Category Scan Report Details Field ATRP Type Number Description Average Total Rank Position
# 59 Category Scan Report Details Field Center Point Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Centerpoint Coordinates for the Scan
# 60 Category Scan Report Details Field Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Coordinates of the business in the scan.
# 61 Category Scan Report Details Field Data Points Type Number Description Number of data points included in the scan based on the grid size
# 62 Category Scan Report Details Field Found In Type Number Description Number of data points the business was found in.
# 63 Category Scan Report Details Field Grid Size Type Number Description Grid Size set for the scan.
# 64 Category Scan Report Details Field Heatmap Image URL Type URL Description Link to the heatmap result of the completed scan.
# 65 Category Scan Report Details Field Image URL Type URL Description Link to the map result of the completed scan.
# 66 Category Scan Report Details Field Keyword Type Text Description Keyword used for the scan.
# 67 Category Scan Report Details Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of Location in the scan
# 68 Category Scan Report Details Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the business in the scan
# 69 Category Scan Report Details Field Location Name Type Text Description Name of business used in the scan.
# 70 Category Scan Report Details Field Measurement Type Text Description Whether the scan uses the Imperial or Metric system of measurement; Possible values: mi or km
# 71 Category Scan Report Details Field PDF Report Type URL Description Link to the PDF report of the completed scan.
# 72 Category Scan Report Details Field Public Report Type URL Description Link to the publicly available version of the completed scan.
# 73 Category Scan Report Details Field Radius Type Number Description The maximum distance of the scan area from the centerpoint of the scan.
# 74 Category Scan Report Details Field Rating Type Number Description The Google Rating of the business in the scan.
# 75 Category Scan Report Details Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the specific report record
# 76 Category Scan Report Details Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google reviews of the business in the scan.
# 77 Category Scan Report Details Field Scan Date Type Date Description The date of the completed scan.
# 78 Category Scan Report Details Field Scan Time Type Text Description The time of the completed scan.
# 79 Category Scan Report Details Field SoLV Type Number Description Share of local voice.
# 80 Category Scan Report Details Field Timestamp Type Text Description The unix timestamp of the completed scan
# 81 Category Scan Report Detailed Ranking Field ARP Type Number Description Average Rank Position
# 82 Category Scan Report Detailed Ranking Field ATRP Type Number Description Average Total Rank Position
# 83 Category Scan Report Detailed Ranking Field Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Google map coordinates of the business
# 84 Category Scan Report Detailed Ranking Field Found In Type Number Description Number of data points the business was found in.
# 85 Category Scan Report Detailed Ranking Field Found In (%) Type Number Description The percentage of the business' found data points in relation to the total data points.
# 86 Category Scan Report Detailed Ranking Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of Business
# 87 Category Scan Report Detailed Ranking Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the business
# 88 Category Scan Report Detailed Ranking Field Location Name Type Text Description Business Name
# 89 Category Scan Report Detailed Ranking Field Rating Type Number Description The Google Rating of the business
# 90 Category Scan Report Detailed Ranking Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the specific report record
# 91 Category Scan Report Detailed Ranking Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google Reviews of the business
# 92 Category Scan Report Detailed Ranking Field SoLV Type Number Description Share of Local Voice.
# 93 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Categories Type Text Description The Google Category of the business
# 94 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Claimed Type Text Description Indicates if the business has been claimed
# 95 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Google map coordinates of the business
# 96 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Distance from Center Point Type Text Description Distance of business from the centerpoint of the scan
# 97 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Distance from Data Point Type Text Description Distance of business from the data point of the scan
# 98 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of Business
# 99 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the business
# 100 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Location Name Type Text Description Business Name
# 101 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Phone Type Text Description Google-listed Business Phone
# 102 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Rank Type Number Description Rank Position
# 103 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Rating Type Number Description The Google Rating of the business
# 104 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google Reviews of the business
# 105 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Scan Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Google map coordinates of the data point.
# 106 Category Scan Report Data Point Results Field Website URL Type Text Description Website URL of the businesses
# 107 Category AI Analysis Field Analysis Level Type Text Description Analysis level; whether major, minor, not applicable
# 108 Category AI Analysis Field Analysis result Type Text Description The analysis result
# 109 Category AI Analysis Field Analysis Sort Order Type Number Description The order of analysis results as returned by the system
# 110 Category AI Analysis Field Analysis Type Type Text Description The type of analysis result for this item. Options can be Summary, Problems, or Competitor
# 111 Category Competitor Report Field ARP Type Number Description Average Rank Position
# 112 Category Competitor Report Field ATRP Type Number Description Average Total Rank Position
# 113 Category Competitor Report Field Categories Type Text Description The Google Category of the business
# 114 Category Competitor Report Field Claimed Type Text Description Indicates if the business has been claimed
# 115 Category Competitor Report Field Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Google map coordinates of the business
# 116 Category Competitor Report Field Data Point Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Google map coordinates of the data point
# 117 Category Competitor Report Field Data Point Rank Type Number Description The rank of the Business at this data point
# 118 Category Competitor Report Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of Business
# 119 Category Competitor Report Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the business
# 120 Category Competitor Report Field Location Name Type Text Description Business Name
# 121 Category Competitor Report Field Phone Type Text Description Google-listed Business Phone
# 122 Category Competitor Report Field Platform Type Text Description Search Platform
# 123 Category Competitor Report Field Rating Type Number Description The Google Rating of the business
# 124 Category Competitor Report Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google Reviews of the business
# 125 Category Competitor Report Field SoLV Type Number Description Share of Local Voice.
# 126 Category Competitor Report Field Website URL Type Text Description Website URL of the businesses
# 127 Category All Trend Reports Field ARP Type Number Description Average Rank Position of the scan results.
# 128 Category All Trend Reports Field ARP Movement Type Number Description The movement of the business' Average Rank Position between the last run and the most recent scan.
# 129 Category All Trend Reports Field ATRP Type Number Description Average Total Rank Position of the scan results
# 130 Category All Trend Reports Field ATRP Movement Type Number Description The movement of the business Average Total Rank Position between the last run and the most recent scan.
# 131 Category All Trend Reports Field Center Point Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Centerpoint Coordinates for the scans
# 132 Category All Trend Reports Field Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Coordinates of the business in the scans.
# 133 Category All Trend Reports Field Data Points Type Number Description Number of data points included in the scans based on the grid size
# 134 Category All Trend Reports Field Date of latest scan Type Date Description The date of the completed scan
# 135 Category All Trend Reports Field Grid Size Type Number Description Grid Size set for the scans.
# 136 Category All Trend Reports Field Keyword Type Text Description Keyword used for the scans.
# 137 Category All Trend Reports Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of Location in the Scheduled Scan
# 138 Category All Trend Reports Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the Business in the Scheduled Scan
# 139 Category All Trend Reports Field Location Name Type Text Description Business Name of the Scheduled Scan
# 140 Category All Trend Reports Field Measurement Type Text Description Whether the scans use the Imperial or Metric system of measurement, Possible values mi or km.
# 141 Category All Trend Reports Field PDF Report Type URL Description Link to the PDF report of the trend report
# 142 Category All Trend Reports Field Public Report Type URL Description Link to the publicly available version of the trend report
# 143 Category All Trend Reports Field Radius Type Number Description The maximum distance of the scan area from the centerpoint of the scans
# 144 Category All Trend Reports Field Rating Type Number Description The Google Rating of the business in the scans.
# 145 Category All Trend Reports Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique Identifier of the specific trend report record
# 146 Category All Trend Reports Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google reviews of the business in the scan.
# 147 Category All Trend Reports Field Scan Count Type Number Description The number of scans belonging to this trend report.
# 148 Category All Trend Reports Field SOLV Type Number Description Share of local voice of the scan results
# 149 Category All Trend Reports Field SOLV Movement Type Number Description The movement of the business' Share of Local Voice between the last run and the most recent scan.
# 150 Category All Trend Reports Field Time of latest scan Type Text Description The time of the completed scan
# 151 Category All Trend Reports Field Timestamp Type Text Description The unix timestamp of the completed scan
# 152 Category Trend Reports Details Field ARP Type Number Description Average Rank Position of the scan results.
# 153 Category Trend Reports Details Field ARP Movement Type Number Description The movement of the business' Average Rank Position between the last run and the most recent scan.
# 154 Category Trend Reports Details Field ATRP Type Number Description Average Total Rank Position of the scan results
# 155 Category Trend Reports Details Field ATRP Movement Type Number Description The movement of the business Average Total Rank Position between the last run and the most recent scan.
# 156 Category Trend Reports Details Field Center Point Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Centerpoint Coordinates for the scans
# 157 Category Trend Reports Details Field Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Coordinates of the business in the scans.
# 158 Category Trend Reports Details Field Data Points Type Number Description Number of data points included in the scans based on the grid size
# 159 Category Trend Reports Details Field Date of latest scan Type Date Description The date of the completed scan
# 160 Category Trend Reports Details Field Grid Size Type Number Description Grid Size set for the scans.
# 161 Category Trend Reports Details Field Keyword Type Text Description Keyword used for the scans.
# 162 Category Trend Reports Details Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of Location in the Scheduled Scan
# 163 Category Trend Reports Details Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the Business in the Scheduled Scan
# 164 Category Trend Reports Details Field Location Name Type Text Description Business Name of the Scheduled Scan
# 165 Category Trend Reports Details Field Measurement Type Text Description Whether the scans use the Imperial or Metric system of measurement, Possible values mi or km.
# 166 Category Trend Reports Details Field PDF Report Type URL Description Link to the PDF report of the trend report
# 167 Category Trend Reports Details Field Public Report Type URL Description Link to the publicly available version of the trend report
# 168 Category Trend Reports Details Field Radius Type Number Description The maximum distance of the scan area from the centerpoint of the scans
# 169 Category Trend Reports Details Field Rating Type Number Description The Google Rating of the business in the scans.
# 170 Category Trend Reports Details Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique Identifier of the specific trend report record
# 171 Category Trend Reports Details Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google reviews of the business in the scan.
# 172 Category Trend Reports Details Field Scan Count Type Number Description The number of scans belonging to this trend report.
# 173 Category Trend Reports Details Field SOLV Type Number Description Share of local voice of the scan results
# 174 Category Trend Reports Details Field SOLV Movement Type Number Description The movement of the business' Share of Local Voice between the last run and the most recent scan.
# 175 Category Trend Reports Details Field Time of latest scan Type Text Description The time of the completed scan
# 176 Category Trend Reports Details Field Timestamp Type Text Description The unix timestamp of the completed scan
# 177 Category Trend Report Scans Field ARP Type Number Description Average Rank Position of the scan results.
# 178 Category Trend Report Scans Field ATRP Type Number Description Average Total Rank Position of the scan results
# 179 Category Trend Report Scans Field Heatmap Image URL Type URL Description Link to the heatmap result of the scan
# 180 Category Trend Report Scans Field Image URL Type URL Description Link to the map result of the scan
# 181 Category Trend Report Scans Field Report Date Type Date Description The date of the completed scan
# 182 Category Trend Report Scans Field Report Date Looker Type Text Description The date of the scan report specifically formatted for Looker Studio
# 183 Category Trend Report Scans Field Report Timestamp Type Text Description The unix timestamp of the completed scan
# 184 Category Trend Report Scans Field Scan Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of this scan report
# 185 Category Trend Report Scans Field SOLV Type Number Description Share of local voice of the scan results
# 186 Category Trend Report Scans Field Trend Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the specific trend report record
# 187 Category Trend Report Scan Details Field ARP Type Number Description Average Rank Position of the scan results.
# 188 Category Trend Report Scan Details Field ATRP Type Number Description Average Total Rank Position of the scan results
# 189 Category Trend Report Scan Details Field Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description The Google map coordinates of the business
# 190 Category Trend Report Scan Details Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of the business
# 191 Category Trend Report Scan Details Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the business
# 192 Category Trend Report Scan Details Field Location Name Type Text Description Name of business
# 193 Category Trend Report Scan Details Field Rating Type Number Description The Google Rating of the business
# 194 Category Trend Report Scan Details Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google Reviews of the business
# 195 Category Trend Report Scan Details Field Scan Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of this scan report
# 196 Category Trend Report Scan Details Field SOLV Type Number Description Share of local voice of the scan results
# 197 Category Keyword Reports Field Average ARP Type Number Description The average of the ARPs of the scans included
# 198 Category Keyword Reports Field Average ATRP Type Number Description The average of the ATRPs of the scans included
# 199 Category Keyword Reports Field Average SoLV Type Number Description The average of the SoLVs of the scans included
# 200 Category Keyword Reports Field Date of the latest scan Type Date Description The date of the latest scan in the keyword report
# 201 Category Keyword Reports Field Keyword Type Text Description The keyword used for this series of reports
# 202 Category Keyword Reports Field Location Count Type Number Description The number of locations included in this keyword report
# 203 Category Keyword Reports Field PDF Report Type URL Description The PDF link for the keyword report
# 204 Category Keyword Reports Field Public URL Type URL Description The publicly accessible link to the keyword report
# 205 Category Keyword Reports Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the keyword report
# 206 Category Keyword Reports Field Scan Count Type Number Description The number of scans included in this keyword report
# 207 Category Keyword Reports Field Time of the latest scan Type Text Description The time of the latest scan in the keyword report
# 208 Category Keyword Reports Field Timestamp Type Text Description The UNIX timestamp of the latest scan in the keyword report
# 209 Category Keyword Report Details Field Average ARP Type Number Description The average of the ARPs of the scans included
# 210 Category Keyword Report Details Field Average ATRP Type Number Description The average of the ATRPs of the scans included
# 211 Category Keyword Report Details Field Average SOLV Type Number Description The average of the SoLVs of the scans included
# 212 Category Keyword Report Details Field Date and Time of latest scan Type Text Description Pre-formatted date and time of the last scan
# 213 Category Keyword Report Details Field Date of the latest scan Type Date Description The date of the latest scan in the keyword report
# 214 Category Keyword Report Details Field Keyword Type Text Description The keyword used for this series of reports
# 215 Category Keyword Report Details Field Location Count Type Number Description The number of locations included in this keyword report
# 216 Category Keyword Report Details Field PDF Report Type URL Description The PDF link for the keyword report
# 217 Category Keyword Report Details Field Public URL Type URL Description The publicly accessible link to the keyword report
# 218 Category Keyword Report Details Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the keyword report
# 219 Category Keyword Report Details Field Scan Count Type Number Description The number of scans included in this keyword report
# 220 Category Keyword Report Details Field Time of the latest scan Type Text Description The time of the latest scan in the keyword report
# 221 Category Keyword Report Details Field Timestamp Type Text Description The UNIX timestamp of the latest scan in the keyword report
# 222 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field ARP Type Number Description Average Rank Position of the scan results.
# 223 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field ATRP Type Number Description Average Total Rank Position of the scan results
# 224 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field ATRP Movement Type Number Description The movement of the business' Average Total Rank Position between the last run and the most recent scan.
# 225 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Center Point Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description The center point coordinates of the scan
# 226 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Data Points Type Number Description Number of data points included in the scans based on the grid size
# 227 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Grid Size Type Number Description Grid Size set for the scans.
# 228 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Last Report Key Type Text Description The report key of the last scan report included in the keyword report
# 229 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Last Scan Date Type Text Description The date and time of the last scan included in the keyword report
# 230 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of the business
# 231 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the business
# 232 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Location Name Type Text Description Name of business
# 233 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Measurement Type Text Description Whether the scans use the Imperial or Metric system of measurement, Possible values: mi or km
# 234 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Radius Type Number Description The maximum distance of the scan area from the centerpoint of the scans
# 235 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Rating Type Number Description The Google rating of the business
# 236 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the keyword report
# 237 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google reviews of the business
# 238 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field SOLV Type Number Description Share of Local Voice
# 239 Category Keyword Report Scan Details Field SOLV Movement Type Number Description The movement of the business' Share of Local Voice between the last run and the most recent scan.
# 240 Category Location Reports Field Average ARP Type Number Description The average ARP of the scans included in the location report
# 241 Category Location Reports Field Average ATRP Type Number Description The average ATRP of the scans included in the location report
# 242 Category Location Reports Field Average SOLV Type Number Description The average SOLV of the scans included in the location report
# 243 Category Location Reports Field Date Type Text Description The date of the latest scan in the location report
# 244 Category Location Reports Field Keyword Count Type Number Description The number of keywords included in the location report
# 245 Category Location Reports Field Keywords Type Text Description The keywords included in the location report
# 246 Category Location Reports Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of the business
# 247 Category Location Reports Field Location Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description The Google map coordinates of the business
# 248 Category Location Reports Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the business
# 249 Category Location Reports Field Location Name Type Text Description Name of business
# 250 Category Location Reports Field PDF Report Type URL Description The PDF link for the location report
# 251 Category Location Reports Field Public URL Type URL Description The publicly accessible link to the location report
# 252 Category Location Reports Field Rating Type Number Description The Google rating of the business
# 253 Category Location Reports Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the keyword report
# 254 Category Location Reports Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google reviews of the business
# 255 Category Location Reports Field Scan Count Type Number Description The number of scans included in the location report
# 256 Category Location Reports Field Timestamp Type Text Description The UNIX timestamp of the latest scan in the location report
# 257 Category Location Report Details Field Average ARP Type Number Description The average ARP of the scans included in the location report
# 258 Category Location Report Details Field Average ATRP Type Number Description The average ATRP of the scans included in the location report
# 259 Category Location Report Details Field Average SOLV Type Number Description The average SOLV of the scans included in the location report
# 260 Category Location Report Details Field Date Type Text Description The date of the latest scan in the location report
# 261 Category Location Report Details Field Keyword Count Type Number Description The number of keywords included in the location report
# 262 Category Location Report Details Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of the business
# 263 Category Location Report Details Field Location Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description The Google map coordinates of the business
# 264 Category Location Report Details Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the business
# 265 Category Location Report Details Field Location Name Type Text Description Name of business
# 266 Category Location Report Details Field PDF Report Type URL Description The PDF link for the location report
# 267 Category Location Report Details Field Public URL Type URL Description The publicly accessible link to the location report
# 268 Category Location Report Details Field Rating Type Number Description The Google rating of the business
# 269 Category Location Report Details Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the keyword report
# 270 Category Location Report Details Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google reviews of the business
# 271 Category Location Report Details Field Scan Count Type Number Description The number of scans included in the location report
# 272 Category Location Report Details Field Timestamp Type Text Description The UNIX timestamp of the latest scan in the location report
# 273 Category Location Report Keyword Details Field ARP Type Number Description The Average Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 274 Category Location Report Keyword Details Field ATRP Type Number Description The Average Total Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 275 Category Location Report Keyword Details Field Date Type Text Description The date of the latest scan in the location report
# 276 Category Location Report Keyword Details Field Keyword Type Text Description The keyword used for scan in the location report
# 277 Category Location Report Keyword Details Field Last Scan Report Key Type Text Description The report key of the last scan report included in the keyword report
# 278 Category Location Report Keyword Details Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the keyword report
# 279 Category Location Report Keyword Details Field Scan Count Type Number Description The number of scans included in the location report
# 280 Category Location Report Keyword Details Field SOLV Type Number Description The Share of Local Voice of the completed scan in the location report
# 281 Category Location Report Keyword Details Field Timestamp Type Text Description The UNIX timestamp of the latest scan in the location report
# 282 Category Campaigns Field ARP Type Number Description The Average Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 283 Category Campaigns Field ARP Change Type Number Description Average Rank Position Change
# 284 Category Campaigns Field ATRP Type Number Description The Average Total Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 285 Category Campaigns Field ATRP Change Type Number Description Average Total Rank Position Change
# 286 Category Campaigns Field Campaign Name Type Text Description The name of the campaign
# 287 Category Campaigns Field Date Last Run Type Text Description The date the campaign report was last run
# 288 Category Campaigns Field Date Last Run Type Text Description The date the campaign report is set to run next
# 289 Category Campaigns Field Frequency Type Text Description The run time frequency of this campaign
# 290 Category Campaigns Field Grid Size Type Number Description Grid Size set for the scans
# 291 Category Campaigns Field Measurement Type Text Description Whether the scans use the Imperial or Metric system of measurement, Possible values mi or km
# 292 Category Campaigns Field Number of Keywords Type Number Description The number of keywords in this campaign
# 293 Category Campaigns Field Number of Locations Type Number Description The number of locations in this campaign
# 294 Category Campaigns Field Number of Scans Type Number Description The number of scans completed for this campaign
# 295 Category Campaigns Field Public URL Type URL Description The publicly accessible link to the campaign report
# 296 Category Campaigns Field Radius Type Number Description The maximum distance of the scan area from the centerpoint of the scans
# 297 Category Campaigns Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the keyword report
# 298 Category Campaigns Field SOLV Type Number Description The Share of Local Voice of the completed scan in the location report
# 299 Category Campaigns Field SOLV Change Type Number Description Share of Local Voice Change
# 300 Category Campaigns Field Status Type Text Description The status of the campaign
# 301 Category Campaign Details Field ARP Type Number Description The Average Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 302 Category Campaign Details Field ARP Change Type Number Description Average Rank Position Change
# 303 Category Campaign Details Field ATRP Type Number Description The Average Total Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 304 Category Campaign Details Field ATRP Change Type Number Description Average Total Rank Position Change
# 305 Category Campaign Details Field Campaign Name Type Text Description The name of the campaign
# 306 Category Campaign Details Field Date Created Type Text Description The date the campaign report was created
# 307 Category Campaign Details Field Date Last Run Type Text Description The date the campaign report was last run
# 308 Category Campaign Details Field Date Last Updated Type Text Description The date the campaign report was last updated
# 309 Category Campaign Details Field Date Next Run Type Text Description The date the campaign report is set to run next
# 310 Category Campaign Details Field Frequency Type Text Description The run time frequency of this campaign
# 311 Category Campaign Details Field Grid Size Type Number Description Grid Size set for the scans
# 312 Category Campaign Details Field Keyword Count Type Number Description Number of keywords in this campaign
# 313 Category Campaign Details Field Location Count Type Number Description Number of locations in this campaign
# 314 Category Campaign Details Field Measurement Type Text Description Whether the scans use the Imperial or Metric system of measurement: Possible values: mi or km
# 315 Category Campaign Details Field Public URL Type URL Description The publicly accessible link to the campaign report
# 316 Category Campaign Details Field Radius Type Number Description The maximum distance of the scan area from the centerpoint of the scans
# 317 Category Campaign Details Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the keyword report
# 318 Category Campaign Details Field SOLV Type Number Description The Share of Local Voice of the completed scan in the location report
# 319 Category Campaign Details Field SOLV Change Type Number Description Share of Local Voice Change
# 320 Category Campaign Details Field Status Type Text Description The status of the campaign
# 321 Category Campaign Locations Field ARP Type Number Description The Average Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 322 Category Campaign Locations Field ATRP Type Number Description The Average Total Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 323 Category Campaign Locations Field Keyword Count Type Number Description Number of keywords
# 324 Category Campaign Locations Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of the business
# 325 Category Campaign Locations Field Location Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description The Google map coordinates of the business
# 326 Category Campaign Locations Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the business
# 327 Category Campaign Locations Field Location Name Type Text Description Name of business
# 328 Category Campaign Locations Field Rating Type Number Description The Google Rating of the business
# 329 Category Campaign Locations Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the keyword report
# 330 Category Campaign Locations Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google Reviews of the business
# 331 Category Campaign Locations Field Scan Date Type Text Description The date this report was generated/run.
# 332 Category Campaign Locations Field SOLV Type Number Description The Share of Local Voice of the completed scan in the location report
# 333 Category Campaign Keywords Field ARP Type Number Description The Average Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 334 Category Campaign Keywords Field ATRP Type Number Description The Average Total Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 335 Category Campaign Keywords Field Keyword Type Text Description Campaign Keyword
# 336 Category Campaign Keywords Field Location Count Type Number Description Number of locations
# 337 Category Campaign Keywords Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the keyword report
# 338 Category Campaign Keywords Field Scan Date Type Text Description The date this report was generated/run.
# 339 Category Campaign Keywords Field SOLV Type Number Description The Share of Local Voice of the completed scan in the location report
# 340 Category Campaign Metrics Field ARP Type Number Description The Average Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 341 Category Campaign Metrics Field ARP Movement Type Number Description Average Rank Position Movement
# 342 Category Campaign Metrics Field ATRP Type Number Description The Average Total Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 343 Category Campaign Metrics Field ATRP Movement Type Number Description Average Total Rank Position Movement
# 344 Category Campaign Metrics Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the keyword report
# 345 Category Campaign Metrics Field Scan Date Type Text Description The date this report was generated/run.
# 346 Category Campaign Metrics Field SOLV Type Number Description The Share of Local Voice of the completed scan in the location report
# 347 Category Campaign Metrics Field SOLV Movement Type Number Description Share of Local Voice Movement
# 348 Category Campaign Scans Field ARP Type Number Description The Average Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 349 Category Campaign Scans Field ATRP Type Number Description The Average Total Rank Position of the completed scan in the location report
# 350 Category Campaign Scans Field Center Point Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Centerpoint Coordinates for the Scan
# 351 Category Campaign Scans Field Data Points Type Number Description Number of data points included in the scan based on the grid size
# 352 Category Campaign Scans Field Group Rank Type Text Description The location's rank among the scans based on the ARP breakdown
# 353 Category Campaign Scans Field Keyword Type Text Description Keyword used for the scan
# 354 Category Campaign Scans Field Location Address Type Text Description Business Address of Location in the scan
# 355 Category Campaign Scans Field Location Coordinates Type Latitude, Longitude Description Coordinates of the business in the scan
# 356 Category Campaign Scans Field Location ID Type Text Description Google Place ID of the business in the scan
# 357 Category Campaign Scans Field Location Name Type Text Description Name of business used in the scan
# 358 Category Campaign Scans Field Ranking Issue Type Text Description A ranking issue, if any, for the location
# 359 Category Campaign Scans Field Rating Type Number Description The Google Rating of the business in the scheduled scan
# 360 Category Campaign Scans Field Report Key Type Text Description The unique identifier of the keyword report
# 361 Category Campaign Scans Field Reviews Type Number Description The Google reviews of the business in the scheduled scan
# 362 Category Campaign Scans Field Scan Date Type Text Description The date this report was generated
# 363 Category Campaign Scans Field Scan Report Key Type Text Description Unique identifier of this report in the campaign
# 364 Category Campaign Scans Field SOLV Type Number Description The Share of Local Voice of the completed scan in the location report
# 365 Category Campaign Scans Field Timestamp Type Text Description The UNIX timestamp of the latest scan in the location report